Pregnancy Week-by-Week sponsored by StorkNet
A guide to fetal development and maternal changes, from StorkNet.

  • For each of the forty weeks of pregnancy, you'll find information about baby's development, the types of changes that occur within mom's pregnant body, tid-bits for dads, specific info for pregnant moms of twins or more, inspirational thoughts and suggested reading

  • Click the week in the table to the left to visit the week you're interested in

  • We hope you'll read through all 40 weeks as the information builds on each week

    Pregnancy Calendar Week By Week
    Week by week look at how a pregnancy and baby are developing.

  • A custom calendar, as well as: - Task List - Weight Tracker - Online Diary - Recipes - Fitness Popular Sections New Pregnancy Calendar, Week By Week Sign Up For Your FREE Custom Pregnancy Calendar Customize your experience with your own free custom calendar

  • Read our Articles on & This Weeks Featured Articles Are: Protein plays an extremely important part in the development of your baby

  • Week By Week Pregnancy Calendar LETS NOT FORGET THE FATHERS Becoming a father is truly an amazing experience

    Pregnancy and Baby .com - 'Am I pregnant?' Get pregnancy and baby ...
    Preconception, pregnancy, birth and baby information and resources. Includes
    interactive tools, journals, birth stories and message boards.

  • :: Boys: Rate and review the name :: Girls: Rate and review the name :: :: Pick a week: Plus: :: :: :: trying to conceive? Getting pregnant (again!)

  • How common is it for a woman to get pregnant again only weeks after giving birth? :: Plus: :: :: already pregnant! Building a maternity wardrobe Pregnancy, Childbirth, Baby Names, Genetics
    Born on October 23rd, 1999. Photos, labor diary, birth information and family

  • info: PREGNANCY 12 WEEK

    Photo by

    Pregnancy & Parenting Information including StorkNet's Pregnancy ...
    Includes information about parenting, pregnancy, and family planning. Offers message
    board and various tools.

  • The friendliest pregnancy and parenting community online! Updated August 6, 2006 Join StorkNet for a month-long celebration of World Breastfeeding Week ! At StorkNet, we're contributing by celebrating the whole month of August

  • Learn more from Anne Smith, IBCLC Visit these articles related to breastfeeding and the : • • • And More: • • • • • From the Experts • Featured Tool • Book Review • Featured Message Board • • ~ waiting for birth story • ~ week 30 • ~ Week 28 • ~ Week 23 • ~ Week 20 • ~ Week 20 • ~ Week 17 • ~ Week 16 • ~ Week 13 • ~ Entry Four: June Has Come, Gone, and Left an Impression Pregnancy Calendar StorkNet's Week By Week Guide to Pregnancy Celebrate StorkNet's 10th Anniversary! to enter our monthly drawing

    Ultrasound in pregnancy!
    A comprehensive source of information on what an ultrasound in pregnancy is all
    about, how it is carried out and numerous other links to useful special tests in ...

    Epigee: Pregnancy Symptoms
    A listing of common symptoms experienced by pregnant women, divided by trimester.
    Includes details of how the pregnant woman's body changes and how the fetus ...

  • Most women have uncomplicated pregnancies and their daily routines may not change until the last few weeks before delivery

  • Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks, or 9 months

  • This means that at conception, the unborn child is already considered two weeks old! The First Trimester (Week 1 - Week 12) Six Weeks : By twenty-one days after fertilization, the embryo's tiny heart has begun beating

  • If you experience a sharp pain on the side in early pregnancy, or bleeding and/or cramping at anytime during pregnancy, call your doctor immediately! The Second Trimester (Week 13 - Week 26) Eighteen Weeks : By this time eyebrows, eyelashes, and fine hair appear

  • The Third Trimester (Week 27 - 40) Twenty-four Weeks : Seen here at six months, the unborn child is covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo and a waxy substance called vernix

    Pregnancy & Birth - Including the pregnancy calendar and belly ...
    A week by week calendar, prenatal testing information, breastfeeding, labor,
    signs and symptoms.

  • Benefits

    Photo by

    Pregnancy and the Vegan Diet -- The Vegetarian Resource Group
    Vegetarian nutrition information.

  • A general trend is to have little weight gain for the first 12 weeks

  • Then, in the second and third trimesters, a weight gain of a pound a week is common

  • I found it easiest to drink extra calories and treated myself to a soy milk shake (soy milk blended with fruit and tofu or soy yogurt) in the evening for a few weeks when weight gain was low

  • It is safe to lose about 1/2 to 1 pound a week while breast-feeding but more rigorous dieting is not recommended

    Valuable information for patients and physicians regarding ultrasound in pregnancy
    and infertility.

  • It is believed that the ceases functioning when the is about eight weeks old

  • By the time the is about 16 weeks old, the is about the same size as the ; then, they fuse forming the CHORIO-AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE

  • The GESTATIONAL SAC, also known as the BAG OF WATERS, is essentially everything inside of the (also known as the chorionic sac) during early or everything inside of the chorio-amniotic sac during later (i.e., after approximately 16 weeks menstrual age)

  • (Conception usually occurs around Day 14, or two weeks into the cycle.) Consequently, even though we can tell with substantial certainty when conception probably took place, we still give age from the last normal menstrual period

  • For example, if conception occurred 8 weeks before an ultrasound scan, we would say that the is 10 weeks old menstrual age

  • (remember, conception occurs approximately 2 weeks after the first day of the menstrual period.) Incidentally and interestingly, conception may not occur on the day of intercourse

  • By the time the reaches 12 weeks of age, we use measurement of the BIPARIETAL DIAMETER () to determine age

  • By sixteen weeks of age, almost everybody measures two other things, in addition to the, to determine fetal age

    Pregnancy Forum - Miscarriage Information
    Pregnancy forum with free registration.

    FIBROIDS INFORMATION: Top Resource for Uterine Fibroids and ...
    Detailed information on fibroids, what they are, treatment options, effect of
    pregnancy, from a UK Women's Health site.

  • What are Fibroid Treatment Options? If the fibroids aren't causing any symptoms and are relatively small (less than equivalent to a 14-week pregnancy) then it is quite reasonable to just observe them in the first instance

  • If it remained large (increasing the womb size to greater than a 12-week pregnancy) then you may be offered treatment (usually surgery - myomectomy, or fibroid removal), though increasingly we are not operating on the ones that aren't causing any problems


    Pregnancy on Yahoo! Health
    Information on each stage of pregnancy, how to plan for having a baby, how to
    prepare for delivery as well as caring for a newborn.

  • () To find your due date, the calculator takes the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) and adds 40 weeks

    Pregnancy Nutrition FAQ
    Designed for expectant mothers, addressing the baby's health needs and the foods
    that supply them.

  • 3 Fat Servings - 1 tsp oil/butter/sour cream/mayonaise (some reduced fat products let you use 1 Tbsp instead...) 1 Serving Other Fruit 1 Serving Other Vegetables Each Week, try to include: 5 Servings Yellow or Orange Colored Fruit/Vegetables 1 Serving of Liver (if you like it - don't force yourself!) [Note: This is controversial as it is an organ meat with a potential for storing harmful substances, and because of the high levels of vitamin A it contains...] 3 Whole Baked Potatos Plenty of Water/other fluids Salt your food to taste for safe blood volume! If you substitute Proteins for Milk/Eggs, you must be sure your proteins are complete and that you get 80-100 grams of protein/day! You must also be sure to include all the elements of a well-balanced diet

  • She came to us for help, and upon checking her hemoglobin, found it to be around 8 (!!!) So we recommended 12 chlorophyll capsules, prenatal vitamins and additional folic acid, and liver once a week in addition to all the protein/dietary recommendations that have been discussed here lately

  • My hemoglobin is OK (11.4 at 30 weeks), but I wouldn't mind it being a little higher, so I've been taking 2 a day

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    Create a web page for the new baby with pictures plus information for new and
    expectant parents. Free. Password protection available.

    Unplanned Pregnancy
    Support for unplanned pregnancy, whether the mother-to-be is undecided or has
    made the choice of abortion or adoption.

  • In other words, a '6 Week Embryo' image is an embryo whose sperm and egg connected 6 weeks ago

    Junior magazine, for parents of children aged 0-8 years.

  • Name: Email: THIS MONTH'S POLL How long did your partner take off when your child was born? More than 3 months 8% 1-3 months 8% 2-4 weeks 36% Less than 2 weeks 47% Votes : 161 WinnerLess than 2 weeks LATEST LINKS · · · · · · · · · · New books for parents PARENTING PHOTOGRAPHY SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS SLEEP ADVERTISING Login User name Password Remember me New User? Recent Tests PRAMS & PUSHCHAIRS TRAVEL SYSTEMS COTS TRAVEL SYSTEMS TRAVEL SYSTEMS LIGHTWEIGHT BUGGIES Online There are 38 unregistered users and 1 registered user on-line

    Acupuncture and Yoga
    News about acupuncture and yoga. Published by Hans R. Larsen, Victoria, BC, Canada.

  • They compared standard treatment (a home exercise routine), standard treatment plus acupuncture, and standard treatment plus stabilising exercises aimed at improving mobility and strength, each treatment given for six weeks

  • They were between 12 and 31 weeks of gestation and experiencing pelvic girdle pain

  • The patients were randomly assigned to either a treatment group that received a total of 23 true acupuncture sessions over 26 weeks, or a control group that received 6 two-hour education sessions over 12 weeks or 23 fake acupuncture sessions over 26 weeks

  • Similarly, Spanish researchers evaluated the effectiveness of a 12-week series of acupuncture treatments as a complementary therapy in 97 patients with knee osteoarthritis who were being treated with diclofenac

  • The Maryland researchers found that patients in the acupuncture group, at the end of the study (after 26 weeks), had experienced a 42% reduction in WOMAC pain score as compared to a 19% reduction in the control group

  • Patients in the true acupuncture group also reported a greater improvement in psychological functioning and consumed 39% less diclofenac tablets than the sham group (85 tablets, on average, versus 139 tablets) over the 12-week trial period -- Your local guide to pregnancy and ...
    Source for parenting, baby, and children needs featuring an interactive events
    calendar, parenting resources, and message board.

    Morning Sickness Help - Information and Remedies
    Offering "Preggie Pops", to alleviate pregnancy symptoms. Also providing information,
    support, and remedies for nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

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